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Interest to maintain budgets within ERP system

At this point of time, I would not like to arrive at any conclusion only on the basis of this single requirement (maintaining Production Volume, Overheads Budget). The right solution can be suggested only after reviewing all of the budget formulation, budgets, budgetary control and variance analysis requirements so that design can meet the forward looking and evolving needs of the organization.

Suggest you speak to Head of Finance/CFO on this thread. I can recall discussion with Head of Finance/CFO where-in he expressed interest to maintain budgets within ERP system.

· I suggested that Oracle GL has most of the budgeting related functionality to support all requirements like entering and maintaining budgets, enforcing budgetary control (prevent raising of PR/PO if there are no budgets), Variance analysis (predefined reports on budget vis-୶is actual in Trial balance etc.,).

· I have explained that this functionality can be enabled anytime in the future.

However my assumption was that none of those requirements would warrant any changes in the existing COA structure. Please take me on call wherever you need support.