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Hacienda returns 1,430 million in the first month of the campaign

The Tax Agency (AEAT) returned 1,430 million euros to 2.2 million taxpayers during the first months of 2015 personal income tax campaign telematics, which means that more than three out of four requests made to date have already been paid, according the agency has reported.

Thus, the number of returns has increased nearly 2% over the same day last year, while the amount has increased more than 9%.

More than 3.3 million taxpayers who, as of April 29, had already submitted his statement, 2.9% more than in the previous season. Of that total, more than 2.7 million taxpayers, 83% of the total, have used the new Web platform Renta, representing an increase of almost 5%.

For its part, the presentations by the PADRE program have fallen almost 6.8% due to the significant reduction in the group of taxpayers who still have to file your return with the traditional aid program offered by the AEAT this year.

Finance highlights the evolution of the statements to enter already submitted so far, more than 280,000, representing an increase of almost 32% compared to the figures of last season on the same dates.

It is expected that 19.7 million returns this season are presented, representing a further increase in the number of income tax filers.